AMS Professor Cecilia Diniz Behn has been selected as a mentor for the prestigious Beckman Scholars Program! This program will support 6 undergraduates through a mentored research experience in either chemistry, biological sciences, or related interdisciplinary...
Dr. Eileen Martin has been honored with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. This prestigious award is given to scientists and engineers who show exceptional potential for leadership early in their careers. Martin’s research portfolio and...
Sweta Rai’s work, titled “Modeling Spatial Extremes using Non-Gaussian Spatial Autoregressive Models via Convolutional Neural Networks,” has been selected as one of three honorable mentions in this year’s ASA ENVR Student Paper Competition. As part of this...
AMS Professor Nathan Lenssen led the work that was included in several articles Nasa put out discussing the global temperatures in 2024. Lenssen and his colleagues reported the mathematical uncertainties of NASA’s own temperature record, known as the GISS...
Congratulations to Jordan Pettyjohn, who won first place in the Undergraduate Student Research Competition at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC24), held in Atlanta GA November 17–22! Jordan’s...