Gus Greivel
Teaching Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

- PhD, Operations Research with Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
- MS, Mathematical and Computer Sciences (Operations Research), Colorado School of Mines
- BS, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines
- MATH100 – Introductory Topics for Calculus
- MATH111 – Calculus I for Scientists & Engineers
- MATH112 – Calculus II for Scientists & Engineers
- MATH113 – Calculus II (Short Form)
- MATH122 – Calculus II for Scientists & Engineer (Honors)
- MATH201 – Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- MATH213 – Calculus III for Scientists & Engineers
- MATH214 – Calculus III (Short Form)
- MATH223 – Calculus III for Scientists & Engineers (Honors)
- MATH300 – Foundations of Advanced Mathematics
- MATH334 – Introduction to Probability
- MATH335 – Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
- MATH424 – Introduction to Applied Statistics
- MATH482 – Statistics Practicum (Capstone)
- MATH499 – Independent Study: History of Mathematics
- MATH530 – Introduction to Statistical Method
- MATH598 – Special Topics: Statistical Process Control and Design of Experiments
- MACS370 – Mathematical and Computer Sciences Field Session
- HNRS201 – Comparative Political and Economic Systems (McBride Honors Program)
- CSM101 – Freshman Success Seminar
- PAGN398 – Club Sports Coach: Cycling and Ice Hockey
Research Areas
- STEM education
- Scheduling and Assignment
- Operations Research
- Statistical Modeling
Awards and Honors
- Newmont Equity Faculty Fellow (2022)
- Mines Teaching Award for Instructional and Pedagogical Excellence (2018)
- Alfred E. Jenni Fellowship for Institution-Wide Contributions to Teaching Effectiveness and Educational Scholarship (2012)
- Order of Omega Outstanding Faculty (2012)
- Minority Engineering Program Outstanding Faculty (2010)
- Graduate Student Outstanding Professor in Mathematical and Computer Sciences Award (2010)
- Order of Omega Outstanding Faculty (2008)
- Graduating Senior Outstanding Professor in Mathematical and Computer Sciences Award (2008)
- Graduating Senior Outstanding Professor in Mathematical and Computer Sciences Award (2007)
- Guy T. McBride Honors Program Distinguished Alumna and Keynote Speaker (2004)
- Graduating Senior Outstanding Professor in Mathematical and Computer Sciences Award (2000)
- Order of Omega Outstanding Faculty (1999)
- CSM101 Mentor of the Year (1997)
- Society of Hispanic Professionals and Engineers Outstanding Faculty (1997)
- Society of Hispanic Professionals and Engineers Outstanding Faculty (1994)
Publications/Professional Presentations
- G. Greivel, S. Bandyopadhyay, A. Newman, Multiple Regression and Transformations at the Industrial Scale, Journal for Statistics and Data Science Education (submitted)
- N. Torres, G. Greivel, J. Betz, E. Moreno, A. Newman, B.G. Thomas, Optimizing Steel Coil Production Schedules under Continuous Casting and Hot Rolling, European Journal of Operations Research (submitted)
- G. Greivel, A. Newman, M. Brown, K. Eurek, Improving Mathematical Exposition of an Industrial-Scale Linear Program, INFORMS Transactions on Education (2023)
- G. Greivel, H. Eklund, S. Strong, Engineering Learning in Studio Calculus III Honors, AMS/MAA Joint Meetings, Denver, CO (January 2020)
- S. Strong, A. Palmer, G. Greivel, Engaging STEM Students with Ordinary Differential Equations through Modern Models, AMS/MAA Joint Meetings, Denver, CO (January 2020)
- G. Greivel, S. Strong, Engineering Learning in Studio Calculus III Honors, Mines Engineering Learning Conference, Golden, CO (August 2019)
- G. Greivel, S. Strong, A SCALE-UP Instructional Environment for Multivariate Calculus in the Engineering Core, ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Laramie, WY (May 2019)
- S. Strong, G. Greivel, A. Palmer, Context Rich Differential Equations in the Engineering Core and SCALE-UP without Studios, ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Laramie, WY (May 2019) – Awarded Best Long Paper
- G. Greivel, Kelly Eurek, Mixed Integer-Linear Programming Reformulation of a Future Energy System, INFORMS Optimization Society Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2018).
- G. Greivel, S. Strong, A SCALE-UP Instructional Model for Multivariate Calculus, MAA MathFest, Denver, CO (August 2018).
- G. Greivel, Pat Kohl, Vince Kuo, Leslie Light, Scott Strong, Tim Ohno, Mark Lusk, and Mirna Mattjik. Panel Discussion: Extending the Studio Instructional Model at Mines; 2017 Mines Engineering Learning Conference (August 2017).
- G. Greivel, The Importance of Failing (Successfully); TEDx CSM (March 2017).
- G. Greivel. The CO-STEM (now TEAM-UP) Project: A New STEM Teacher Preparation Program Between Two Universities; 2016 Noyce Summit; Washington, DC (July 2016).
- G. Greivel. Multivariate Calculus in the SCALE-UP Environment, Joint Meetings of the Intermountain and Rocky Mountain Sections of the Mathematical Association of America, Grand Junction, CO (April 2016).
- G. Greivel, Robert Rensvold. The CO-STEM Project: A New STEM Teacher Preparation Program Between Two Universities, Western Regional Noyce Conference, San Diego (November 2015).
- Contributed to two chapters in the book: The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education (Human-Computer Interaction Series), Springer (2015).
- Mines-UNC STEM Teacher Preparation Program; Colorado Symposium on STEM Teacher Preparation, Colorado Springs (December 2015); Presented by Kristine Callan (Physics, CSM) and Wendy Adams (Physics, UNC).
- G. Greivel. Active Learning Strategies to Improve Student Attitudes and Outcomes in Statistics: The Studio Model at the Colorado School of Mines, 2014 MAA MathFest, Portland, OR (2014).
- G. Greivel. Active Learning Strategies to Improve Student Attitudes and Outcomes in Statistics: The Studio Model at the Colorado School of Mines, 2014 MAA Rocky Mountain Sectional Meeting, Laramie, WY (2014).
- F. V. Kowalski , G. Greivel, Todd Ruskell, Tracy Q. Gardner, S. E. Kowalski, Thomas J. Colling, J.V. Gutierrez Cuba, Enrique Palou. “Using InkSurvey with Pen-Enabled Mobile Devices for Real-Time Formative Assessment I. Applications in Diverse Educational Environments.” Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on the Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education (2013).
- F. V. Kowalski , G. Greivel, Todd Ruskell, Tracy Q. Gardner, S. E. Kowalski, Thomas J. Colling, J.V. Gutierrez Cuba, Enrique Palou. “Using InkSurvey with Pen-Enabled Mobile Devices for Real-Time Formative Assessment II. Indications of Effectiveness in Diverse Educational Environments.” Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on the Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education (2013).